Czech Rail In Karta in the Pilsen Card system, Pilsen Card in the Czech Rail system

Only cards issued to the cardholder and bearing the MAP ready logo can be used.

​Who is it for?

This card is right for you if you are a Czech Rail In Karta/Pilsen Card holder and you also want to use the services of the Pilsen Card/In Karta.

Using your Pilsen Card in the Czech Rail system

  • Purchase customer applications for the card (such as IN 25, IN 50, IN Senior)
  • Purchase rail tickets
  • Pay 1st class surcharges
  • Use the Czech Rail e-shop (as an ID to purchase Czech Rail eTickets, for example)
  • Purchase single tickets at Czech Rail counters or from the conductor using your e-wallet

Using the Czech Rail In Karta in the Pilsen Card system

  • Purchase prepaid travel passes for municipal transportation in Zone 001 Pilsen, only for use with in PMDP and Czech Rail
  • Purchase single tickets in Pilsen municipal transportation vehicles using your e-wallet (only PMDP transportation products)

If you want to use your card (In Karta/Pilsen Card) solely to make payments using your e-wallet, you can use it immediately (the cardholder does not need to do anything else).

Registering the card

If you want to use the card to purchase time-restricted travel passes, you must register.
Registering the card is free of charge. The card can be used immediately after it is registered.

Pilsen Card holders

After registering your Pilsen Card in the Czech Rail system, present the following at any Czech Rail ticket counter anywhere in the Czech Republic:

  • Your valid Pilsen Card
  • Completed “Žádost o registraci Karty do systémů ČD” (“Application to register a Card in the Czech Rail system”; the application is identical to the application for issuing an In Karta card)

In Karta holders

To register your In Karta in the Pilsen Card system, present the following at a PMDP Customer Service Centre (Denisovo Nábřeží 12, Klatovská Třída 12):

  • Your vaild In Karta
  • Completed registration form:
  • “Registrační formulář pro evidenci In Karty do systému PMDP” (“Registration form for recording an In Karta in the PMDP system”)


Topping up the card

You can top up your In Karta/Pilsen Card at the following locations:

  • At Pilsen Card sales outlets
  • At any Czech Rail ticket counter in the Czech Republic
  • E-wallets can currently only be topped up in cash.


Issuing duplicate cards in case of loss or theft

The issuance of duplicates is governed by the card issuer’s standard terms and conditions.

New duplicates contain all of the information that the original card contained (i.e., the cardholder does not have to ask the partner service provider to also issue new cards)